Current Views in Allergy
Published: January 2011
In the last few years the world of medicine has had the privilege of witnessing developments in understanding the pathogenesis of many diseases burdening humankind.
It is frustrating, though, to realize that most of this up-to-date knowledge never reaches, or reaches too late, its intended recipients; physicians of each specialty working in everyday practice.
CCM helps to overcome this issue by publishing the innovative series Current Views. In each and every issue the reader will find a review article and several summaries of cutting edge articles. The Current Views series was designed to solve the problem of information overload for specialist physicians. Each journal is compiled by the CCM editorial team based on an ongoing review of the international literature, and articles are selected for citation and review on the basis of their relevance to clinical practice.
Current Views provides the specialist with an attractive means of continuing education that demonstrates the best of critical thinking. It is a source of, and a catalyst for, new ideas and investigations. The editors and medical advisors at CCM have made every effort to search international literature and to present the most current, interesting and cutting-edge articles, in order to make Current Views a respected and useful tool for the everyday practice of physicians with one aim: to provide good service to their patients.
Current Views is owned and produced by CCM Publishing Group. CCM Publishing Group has exclusive licensing agreements with leading and highly accredited international societies such as the ACP and ASCO, as well as access to various international literature search engines.